Friday 9 October 2015

Pop Up Brewery #5


Having mashed, wanged and boiled, the hopped wort is in need of cooling fast.

Black on Black

A feat of Copper pipe engineering, Dave's immersion cooler drops the C bomb - Cooling
After just over 5 hours the yeast goes in......a now the long game begins

Pop Up Brewery #4

This is wanging.  Others in the business call it sparging but look at the length of the wang, admire Adams technique with the wang, appreciate Dave's control of the wang flow.


Pop Up Brewery #3

There's an hour and a half of mashing  - what else to do but amuse the taste buds and get merry on an empty stomach - 18.36


Pop up brewery #2

The Hop Fairy does her biz again with the Fuggles, and the little one looks on  18.10

Dave always brings his favourite princess blanket for excellent thermal retention of the mash.

Pop Up Brewery

Blogging all evening, in real time, as we work through Adam's dark brew "Vultans Beard" at the pop up brewery.

5.45 weighing out the grain

Soaking the Mash 5.55